Are you retired, or thinking about retirement, and wondering if you need a Medicare Supplement insurance plan? The answer involves a look at your personal circumstances and a little educated guesswork into the future. It might seem scary, trying to figure out what kind of Medicare and related insurance you need when you retire – but you can generally make …
How to Get the Most out of Medicare
Here’s how to ensure that you get every cent in benefits you’re entitled to. The benefits of Social Security are readily apparent for seniors. Each and every month, for those who qualify and have filed for benefits, the program pays an average of $1,350 to retired workers. This is a tangible and dependable benefit payment that a majority of today’s …
I’m Turning 65, do I Need a Medicare Supplement Plan?
First, let’s answer the question, what is a Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plan. Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) is the basic Medicare benefit package granted to eligible individuals when they turn 65 or enter their 25th month of receiving disability benefits. Original Medicare provides broad coverage of many hospital and medical expenses. But Medicare comes with out-of-pocket costs such …