The Differences Between Happy and Unhappy Retirees

Learn why some people are happily retired and others are miserable. Some retirees are happy, while others are downright miserable. According to financial planners, what separates the happy retirees from the unhappy ones comes down to getting a few things right in pre-retirement planning. Financial advisors say happily retired clients are financially stable and have properly thought out and planned …

Staying Active Later in Life

It’s really important to exercise and stay physically active as you get older. Exercise can lower your risk of developing a variety of health conditions, including heart disease and dementia. It can also help to reduce your risk of falls. No matter what your age or health condition, there are plenty of ways to add more physical movement to your …

Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans: What’s the Difference?

There are different ways that you can receive your Medicare coverage, or add onto that coverage. Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement insurance are options that may sound similar, but they’re quite different. They do have one main thing in common: they’re both offered by private insurance companies. There are two options commonly used to replace or supplement Original Medicare. One …